MC Escher-Inspired Pool Rooms, Drawing II

The final assignment of drawing II, in which the objective was to expand on one of the creative prompt assignments done throughout the semester. I was focusing on creating liminal spaces and one of my iterations was a non-Euclidean, MC-Escher-style piece, much like this one.

The interchangeable rooms that view the area from the same perspective are like MC Escher’s Another World II, but I included original imagery from a current pop culture reference called the Pool Rooms. It is an urban legend in which millions of miles of these pool rooms exist outside of our reality. It relies on the nostalgia of older pool designs, combined with primal fears of water and dark, eerie spaces to create an overall unsettling but oddly familiar atmosphere. Combining these two fantastical and surreal concepts seemed natural.

18'“x18” inches, colored pencil on black Stonehenge


Gas Station Bathroom


Charcoal Still Life